“The Competence Broker: Explore the potential of cooperation among Innovation stakeholders”
During the years 2010-2012, the REBASING consortium cooperated to transfer the Competence brokering tool, developed by the Norwegian regional Programme for Innovation.
The partnership includes five universities from different European countries – Bergen University College, Tallinn Technology University, University of Padua, University of Naples, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland – four service agencies for SMEs and vocational training – Confindustria Veneto SIAV, Treviso Tecnologia, August Horch Akademie and Conferenza per la Formazione Continua della Svizzera Italiana.
The University “Federico II” of Naples will now host the REBASING Final Conference in Città della Scienza, Naples. The conference will provide a forum to policy makers, higher education and vocational training professionals and SMEs associations to present and share perspectives to support cooperation between companies, universities and and Research & Development bodies.
REBASING trusts that the broker can significantly improve the quality of their cooperation, often fragmented. The broker (either individuals or organisations) proved to be able to analyse the enterprises’ needs in terms of technological and organisational innovation and link them to R&D providers.
The partnership will present the book “The Innovation Competence Broker – bridging firms and R&D institutions”, published by McGraw Hill. The work proposes theoretical insights and practical approaches to implement and manage the Competence brokering tool.
The participation to the conference is free of charge.
Registration deadline: 24th September 2012
Download the Registration Form.
Download the Final conference programme
Conference Secretariat
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email info@concertosrl.net